01-什么是VFXWhat is VFX-
02-基本The Basics
03-几何图形和对象Geometry and Objects
05-Live Action和Solaris场景布局Live Action and Solaris Scene Layout
06-粒子模拟Particle Simulations
07-Vellum I-基础Vellum I – Basics
08-Vellum ll-布料 软体和流体Vellum ll – Cloth Soft Bodies and Fluids
010-破碎 Destruction Il
011-Pyro lPyro l
012-Pyro llPyro ll
013-销毁(RBD和Pyro)Destruction (RBD and Pyro)
014-翻转流体IFlip Fluids I
015-Sparkling Water项目Sparkling Water Project
016-Sparkling Water项目2Sparkling Water Project 2
017-Sparkling Water项目3Sparkling Water Project 3
018-海洋模拟-光谱Ocean Simulation – Spectrum