460+动漫女孩参考图片460+ Anime Girl Reference Pictures,大小:677MB,格式:JPG
该包包含超过 460 张高分辨率参考图片,其女性姿势的灵感来自一些动漫角色。在这个版本中,我们收集了许多动漫风格的姿势,并包括大量的角度和一些服装变化。该布景还具有带有角色表情和不同照明的人像特写镜头。它将成为创建角色设计,概念和漫画书艺术,插图和研究的绝佳工具。查看预览!
This pack features over 460 high-res reference pictures with female poses inspired by some anime characters. In this release we have gathered lots of anime style poses and included a great number of angles and some costume variations. The set also has portrait close-ups with character expressions and different lighting. It will be a great tool for creating character design, concept & comic book art, illustration and studies. Check out the previews!