
发表于 2022-9-30 21:16:28
本帖最后由 匿名 于 2022-9-30 21:18 编辑
Coloso - Chyan - Drawing & Coloring Anime-Style Characters [KR, EN SUBS INCLUDED]
Coloso - Yeseong Kim - Missing #13 video + EN sub
Coloso - JunEun Kim - Hollywood VFX with Maya and Nuke [KOREAN, EN SUBS INCLUDED]
Coloso - Taehoon Park - Master Class: Cinema 4D rendering [KR, EN SUBS PROVIDED]
Coloso - Hyoungtaek Nam - Realistic Character Design (KR, EN SUBS PROVIDED)
((Reupload))coloso. How to direct an animation action scene that you can't take your eyes off - Jonghyun Jung - with eng subtitles
Coloso.us - Gryun Kim - Realistic Texturing with Cinema4D & Octane [KR, EN SUBS PROVIDED]
Coloso - Realistic texturing using Cinema 4D and Octane (Project Files Only)
Coloso - Realistic texturing using Cinema 4D and Octane (Korean/ No Subs)
Coloso - Woosung Kang - C4D Motion Training: From the Basics to Master Level [KR, EN SUBS INCLUDED]
Coloso - Mogoon - Fundamentals of Stylized Character Art [KOREAN, EN SUBS PROVIDED]
Coloso - Yeseong Kim - High-Quality Shading & Lighting with Redshift [KOREAN, EN SUBS INCLUDED]
Coloso - Jeonghyun Seok - Drawing the Human Body Based on Anatomy [KOREAN, EN SUBS INCLUDED]
Coloso - Oh Seoro - Missing #13 EN Sub
Coloso - Oh Seoro - Missing videos + Official English Subs
Coloso - Fun 3D character modeling using Blender(Korean / No Subtitles)
Coloso - C4D High quality shading & lighting completed with redshift Projects
Coloso - C4D High quality shading & lighting completed with redshift (KR)
Coloso - Mogoon - EN/KR Subtitles (Transcribed)
Coloso - Solid basic theory to learn with casual characters by mogoon (KR)
Coloso - Seoji - Anime Styled Character Illustration Course (KR/EN)
Coloso - Heo Sung Moo - Dynamic and Stylish Character Design Course (KR / EN)
Coloso - Human body drawing based on anatomy by Seok Jeong hyeon (EN-KR)
Coloso - Introduction to human body figure drawing (kimrockhe)
Coloso - Nessi - Character Design Course (KR / EN)
Coloso - Oh Seoro - Animation Course (KR / EN)
Coloso - Mastering Photorealistic Rendering in Cinema 4D [Korean]
Coloso Cinema 4D Motion Designer Traning ( Basic to Master ) (Korean)