此包包含将这匹马放入您的游戏或研究它们所需的所有文件。所以它有2个版本的马的LP版本(马鞍和无马鞍版本),马身体的 7x8k png 纹理,马毛的 4x4k png 纹理和 4k png 马鞍纹理。还附加了马和马鞍的 zbrush 文件、带有马毛的 3ds max 文件、3 个摆姿势的马版本和 Marmoset 场景。
This pack contains all the files needed for putting this horses in your games or study them. So it has LP version of the horse in 2 version (saddle and no saddle version),7x8k png textures for horse body, 4x4k png textures for the horse hair and 4k png saddle textures, including PSD files. Also I have attached the zbrush files for the horse and saddle, 3ds max file with the horse fur, 3 posed horse versions and the Marmoset scene. |