三维贴图材质制作软件 Substance Designer Win破解版
Substance Designer是Substance贴图工具产品系列之一,它可以帮助美术师高效地创建并且重复应用贴图。Substance Designer是首款能够混合及应用位图, 矢量图和其他元素的专业贴图工具,使用它能够制作复杂的贴图。
Substance Designer这个版本本来应该命名成2020的,现在是直接命名成10版本
Substance Designer is a node-based texture compositing tool that allows you to create Substance files or bitmap textures. You can use it to texture assets and also bake model information (ex: normal, displacement, curvature etc.). It contains a wide library of tools, materials and procedural effects to help you achieve your goals in a fully non-destructive workflow.
Substance Painter 10更新文档官方说明:
https://docs.substance3d.com/sddoc/version-10-1-0-194216365.html |