Run the 3ds Max.
Drag the .mzp file into viewport
The installation will be automatically started.
Follow the instructions on screen for complete the installation.
In the 3ds max menu "Customize">> "Customize User Interface">> Category "Kstudio"
choose the plugin and drag it to the Panel of the Instruments.
Requirement: 3ds Max 2014 - 2022 | File size: 17.9 MB
The utility for organisation of files and work with them in the 3ds Max. It helps you with cataloging and using in your projects bitmaps, library of models and materials, IES photometric and HDRI files. Main Features
- Simplifies the addition any types of assets, such as models, materials, textures and IES to the scene
- Cataloging libraries of models, materials, textures and IES
- Sync database on network. [*new]
- Full support to all types of Drag&Drop (Cataloging, merging, apply materials & etc.)
- Displays thumbnails for Bitmaps, 3d models, Proxy, IES, Material Libraries and other file-types (include formats HDR, EXR, PSD and other)
- Interactive rendering preview for Materials, IES and .BVH (Bio Vision Hierarchical) animation files [*new]
- Ability to exclude unwanted objects from Merging.
- Automatically fix paths to Textures for merged models.
- Replacement scene objects by other objects
- Automatic conversion merged models to Proxy (Vray, Corona and etc.)
- Ability to save and restore Proxy objects with materials
- Saving the models and materials with maps
- Save/Restore Materials with modifiers
- Support to Slate Material Editor
- Create PBR (Physically Based Rendering) materials
- Search files by name, description and tags.
- Ability to add a description and tags to max, ies and image files.
- Display of embedded thumbnails for 3Ds Max, RPC, AutoCad, SketchUp, Revit, GrowFx and Biped files.
Asset Tracking
- Search for missing assets
- Relink external files
- Collect external files
- Archiving a 3ds Max scene[*new]
- Ability to exclude files from collecting by type of file
- Rename the links by mask
- Removing the links from scene
- Selecting the objects by their links to files
- Displays in interactive mode a list of files linked to selected objects
- Place Materials and BitmapTextures into the Material Editor
- Show/Hide bitmap in viewport
- Opening the files into the external application.
- Ability to collect the Asset files via clipboard and by using drag&drop
- Includes the “Batch Render&Relink” tool for organize the Asset files into the 3d Models and Materials Libraries in the batch mode
- Support to xRef files.
Misc Features
- Support to almost all known renderers and plug-ins.
- Unostentatious and “Transparent” the demo-version
- Ability to back-up settings before reinstalling 3ds Max or Windows
- Autocheck for updates
- User-Friendly interface
- Usability Default Setting
What's New :
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
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