Blender基础模型创建插件 Adjustable Mannequin V1.2
The Adjustable Mannequin allows you to create any character you can think of. The mannequin is rigged and the rig contains multiple sliders that allows you to control various parts of the character, such as the breasts, hips, arms, legs etc. You can also manipulate the rig manually to create some more varied characters.
V1.1版本支持Blender 3.0, 3.1, 3.2
V1.2版本支持Blender 4.0+
在顶部菜单编辑(Edit)-偏好设置(Preference)-文件路径(File Path)-资产库,添加Adjustable Mannequin文件夹的路径
https://pan.baidu.com/share/init?surl=40w_SH9pboNV2wK9eaxCQA&pwd=x6n6 |